Can i install microsoft project 2013 with office 2016 free download.Project 2013 install

 - Can i install microsoft project 2013 with office 2016 free download

We recently replaced a laptop for a user after his previous laptop started acting funky. This new laptop has Office pre-installed, so when we try to install Project we get the following error:. Please Uninstall any pre-release Office software using the Programs and Features item in your Control Panel and try installing again.

Secondly, how can I get around this without the major disruption of having to uninstall Officeinstalling Projectand then reinstalling Office if that would even workor rolling back to a previous version of Office? The setup things you are trying to upgrade using an older version, so the only fix is to removeinstall the older version, re-install I can i install microsoft project 2013 with office 2016 free download not know if the is the same issue however we have had problems running click to run versions of office with stand alone installations of other programs.

Innovation from Microsoft. Seen similar install issues, solution ended up being removing, then re-installing as noted above. I hope something can be found on this.

I'll have around students who are entitled to CTR versions of Office coming in a few months who also get a standalone perpetual Project license each - and we do that it that way to satisfy some "interesting" Microsoft licensing. You always need to install the oldest product first, this isn't Microsoft specific, the older product fails as it finds newer system installed. Personally, I think is pretty lame of MS not to have found a work around for this, I browsed their support site looking for info but got the finger.

There's no written article that I've seen that explains the why, so Ill guess Ill take the long route on this one.

Project will not play nice with Officewe found that out repeatedly, so either stick with across the board or upgrade Project to Well for that I do not have a good answer, we had SA so we were upgrading anyhow, I know that is not much help. Without this sounding harsh, the time we've taken to discuss a workaround could have been removed, installed and put back on as well. While this may be required for multiple machines, installing something older always has to go first where applications are concerned.

In my case, for instance, these machine are privately owned and we're giving them licenses - we aren't necessarily in a position to remove and re-add Office, and some of them won't know where they got office, if they have a key or what it might be etc etc. I don't particularly excuse them that, but it's a reality that we still can i install microsoft project 2013 with office 2016 free download to work our way through.

To continue this discussion, please ask can i install microsoft project 2013 with office 2016 free download new question. Cloud Help Desk: Delays for ticket imports:. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros can i install microsoft project 2013 with office 2016 free download visit Spiceworks. Yo, SpiceHeads We recently replaced a laptop for a user after his previous laptop started acting funky. This new laptop has Office pre-installed, so when we try to install Project we get the following error: "We found a pre-release or Beta version of an Office product on your computer and cant install because of it.

Why does this happen? Thanks in advance! Best Answer. Pure Capsaicin. View this "Best Answer" in the replies below ». Popular Topics in Microsoft Office. Which of the following retains the information it's storing when the system power is turned off? Submit ». Nathan Harris This person is a verified professional.

Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. Hi, I do not know if the is the same issue however we have had problems running click to run versions of office with stand alone installations of other programs. You might have to purchase a stand alone copy of office rather than CTR version. Jeff Jones This person is a verified professional. Firstly, what the sh1t, Microsoft.

Peter K. Can i install microsoft project 2013 with office 2016 free download person is a verified professional. Thai Pepper.

Thanks for all the replies so far, guys and gals, all much appreciated. Sean This person is a verified professional. Edited Jun 23, at UTC. Sean wrote: Project will not play nice with Officewe found that out repeatedly, so either stick with across the board or upgrade Project to Yeah, that's one of the docs I read through earlier.

Doesn't answer the question of why though. Personally, I think is pretty lame of MS not to have found a work around for this, I would imaging Microsoft assume when you install something newer you either know you can't install something older alongside it afterwards or you will upgrade to their newest release of other said product too.

Rod-IT wrote: Without this sounding harsh, the time we've taken to discuss a workaround could have been removed, installed and put back on as well. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting.

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